Wanna go DIY? Here you might find the parts you need. Sure there’s something missing, I’m open for your suggestions. Price list or suggestions can be requested or send via email.
This is the first post in 2014. After an exciting 2013, with finishing my console case and starting my very small business for DIY Eurorack parts and a lot of small and big packages shipped throughout Europe, I am curious to see what happens in 2014.
A big “thank you” to all of you, who trusted me and ordered stuff for your own experience in Eurorack DIY case building. I know the ordering process is a bit more complicated than with an ordinary online shop. For sure I am thinking about this option, but so far it is a lot of overhead and in Germany you have to deal with a lot of regulations. You are a target for lawyers and competitors if you violate this regulations. But let’s see, probably I ramp up an online shop. Till then just request the latest price list.
Unfortunately I ran out of power supplies (PSU). It was never planned to permanently sell clones of the Doepfer PSU. I just made a small batch and they are sold. So I decided to develop my own version of a Eurorack PSU. This is an ongoing process and will take some time.
Busboards are still available, and they will be replaced by a modified version soon.
The gallery gives you an overview of what’s on the price list at the moment. Get inspired…