Individual width for the 3U or 6U frames
The frames can be taylored to your needs. The picture shows 168HP frames (860 x 133 x 30 mm) with threaded inserts and 110HP frames (568 x 133 x 30 mm) with sliding nuts. Probably I can offer the frames in black soon.
If you need parts for your own case, just contact me via email and ask for the latest price list
I would like to buy one 6U frame of 104HP or two 3U frames of 104HP.
It’s for a custom case I would like to make.
Or do you also sell/make complete custom cases?
I live in Belgium.
Hi – could you send me your latest price list please? I’m interested in various items, custom rail lengths, about 120HP, threaded inserts, end pieces etc. It all looks great!
erst mal klasse Seite und viele tolle Tips.
Ich benötige 8 Rahmen von der Größe: 168HP frames 860 x 133 x 30 mm
Bitte Preisangebot incl. Versand nach Hilden bei Düsseldorf.
Danke und Gruß
Frank Pulka